Silba - island Silba

Tourist destination info Silba - island Silba

Silba is the most northern Dalmatian island southeast of Lošinj. There are many pebbled and sandy beaches inside beautiful bays along the island's coast, most famous of which are Potorišće and Pernastica (situated on the northern part of the island) you can best reach by boat. The symbol of the island is a tower called Toreta with an external spiral stairway which serves as a lookout point. If you come to Toreta you will enjoy the view over the entire island and the surrounding area. Be sure to try many fish and shellfish specialties. Ferryboats starting from Zadar will get you to the island of Silba or to another island nearby.

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Destinations nearby

  • Olib - island Olib ( 6.42  km)
  • Ist - island Ist ( 13.41  km)
  • Silba - island Silba recommended accommodation

    * prices for June 2025 based on the maximum capacity for a minimum stay of 7 days

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